mRNA injections can be banned on genetic charges!

Short memorylane on vaccineharms

From The Swedish Doctors Appeal (2022): 

Our authorities have claimed that it is unusual to discover side effects from vaccines after several years. Is it true?

The Covid vaccine has a problematic side effect profile, especially for children and young people. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (their references at the end of this post)

The long-term side effects are still unknown.

There are at least four vaccines from the last three decades where side effects may have occurred shortly after vaccinations but the connection between them and the vaccine was discovered much later – after a period of several years:

● Rotashield vaccines against a virus that causes diarrhea in children were taken off the shelves about a year (1999) after they were marketed because they caused intussusception. 8

● Pertussis vaccine was given around the world for many years until it was found to lead to significant neurological effects and was replaced by a safer vaccine (mid-1990s). 9,10

● The dengue virus vaccination was discontinued two years (2017) after it was approved because it was found to cause acute morbidity and mortality in children infected with the virus after being vaccinated. 11,12

● Pandemrix vaccination against swine flu in 2009-2010 contributed to an increased risk of narcolepsy in children and young adults, it was detected ten months after vaccination had started and after a further eleven months the European the pharmaceutical authority EMA’s recommendations. 13

Arnaldo Kaminer, ST doctor in psychiatry

Sven Román, specialist doctor in child and youth psychiatry

The Swedish Doctors Appeal reference list will be at the end of this post.

Among 17 patients who died after the Covid 19 mRNA injection, the German pathology professor Arne Burkhardt found autoimmune attacks on internal organs and signs of an AIDS-like immune disorder in 90% of the the deceased.

Journalist Alex Berenson wrote about a Swedish Covid mRNA injection study with disastrous resluts in 2021 (will share his analysis shortly). I know a lot of people are aware of the Covid vaccine harms to health and life. I still find it of importance to at times remember what the science has shown so we never forget what was being done to people even when there was significant data on harms. This kind of information still needs to be shared, especially now when there are plans on mRNA injections against the birdflu and these mRNA injections will most probably also be just as harmful as the Covid injections have proven to be.

mRNA birdflu injection just as dangerous as the Covid mRNA injection. The self-replicating mRNA birdflu injection produces the dangerous hemagglutinase – the most dangerous part of the birdflu virus. Same patientsafety problem as with the Covid mRNA injections when producing the most bioactive part of Sars-Cov-2 – the spikeprotein.

There has already been a global moratorium on the mRNA injections and also a European moratorium has been declared from the European Parliament against the use of mRNA injections in animals and humans. The Covid mRNA injections have also been proven to be completely illegal according to Swedish law on genetic integrity: Sweden: Covid mRNA injections break the Swedish Act (2006:351) on genetic integrity Section 3 Gene therapy: “§ 4 Treatment methods that intend to bring about genetic changes that can be inherited in humans may not be used.” The science exists that proves the mRNA is passed on genetically to offspring. These kind of medical products are not allowed to be used. I have sent this information and the medical information (click on the link for moratorium to access the medical information) to The Swedish Doctors Appeal and the Swedish Nurses Appeal. I do not know yet if they will take legal action against the Swedish state, Health authority, Swedish Medicines Agency and the European Medicines Agency for permitting these not enough tested experimental injections to be used on an unknowing and propagandised population. I hope other doctors engaged in the fight for health freedom can look into genetic legal aspects and pursue these mRNA injections on a legal basis to get them banned. Declaring a moratorium is a good thing but does not seem to do the trick.

Propaganda is an existential issue because it manipulates minds and behavior and the way people think. Ethically speaking you cannot give informed consent to a medical procedure if all you know of that medical procedure is propaganda.

Another major red flag about Covid vaccines and death

This one coming from data on more than 4 million vaccinated Swedes

Alex Berenson

People appear to die at rates 20 percent or more above normal for weeks after receiving their second Covid vaccine dose, according to data from a huge Swedish study.

The figures are buried in a preprint paper on vaccine effectiveness released last month. The headline finding of the paper was that protection against Covid, including severe cases, plunged after six months.

The researchers did not explicitly examine deaths from all causes – which have risen since the summer in many countries that have highly vaccinated populations.

But on page 32 of the 34-page report, a chart shows that 3,939 of 4.03 million Swedes who received the second dose died less than two weeks later.


Over a one-year period, that rate of death would translate into an annual mortality rate of about 2.5 percent a year – 1 person in 40 – almost three times the overall Swedish average. In a typical year, about 1 in 115 Swedes dies.

Of course, that huge gap does not account for an important confounding factor: younger people, who have a much lower risk of death, were less likely to be vaccinated.

But Sweden also provides detailed data on overall deaths nationally, making a crude baseline comparison possible.

That data shows that from an average of about 1,650 Swedes died every week between 2015 and 2019 between April 1 and early August, the period in which almost all of those 4 million Swedes in the study received their second dose. Death rates hardly varied over those years.


In other words, during the spring and summer, Sweden normally has about 3,300 deaths every two weeks – not just in the people who received vaccines, but in all 10.6 million of its people.

So let’s make an incredibly conservative assumption, one that strongly favors the vaccines. (The next couple paragraphs are a bit tricky, but I hope the payoff is worth taking the time to read and think through them.)

Assume that the group of people who received vaccines were so much older and unhealthier than those who didn’t that they would have accounted for every single death in Sweden whether or not they were vaccinated. In other words, assume that even if the vaccines did not exist, every person in Sweden who died would have been part of that group of 4.03 million people the researchers tracked – while not one other person would have died.

In that case, those 4.03 million people “should” have about 3,300 deaths every two weeks. They CANNOT HAVE MORE – because all of Sweden does not have more.

But the vaccines do exist. Those 4.03 million people received them. And in the two weeks after receiving the second vaccine dose, as a group, the researchers reported they had not about 3,300 deaths, but 3,939.

And 3,939 deaths is about 20 percent more deaths than “should” have occurred in those two post-vaccine weeks. Again, the 20 percent figure understates the real gap, because in the real world some deaths will occur in the 6.6 million unvaccinated people too, so the actual baseline number for the vaccinated group is not 3,300 deaths but somewhat lower.

Unfortunately, the researchers did not report any details on the deaths, so it is impossible to know if they are disproportionately cardiovascular. It is also impossible to know whether one particular vaccine was disproportionately linked to deaths. (Sweden used mostly the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, as well as some of AstraZeneca’s DNA/AAV vaccine, which is not available in the United States, and a small amount of Moderna’s mRNA vaccine.)

Of course, it is just possible the extra deaths are due to chance. Or that the handful of elderly Swedes who received vaccines in February and March accounted for a hugely disproportionate number of the post-vaccine deaths. (Because per-week Swedish death rates are higher in the winter, a large number of post-vaccine deaths in those months would somewhat reduce the strength of the signal, though it would still exist.)

But the caveats aside, the Swedish figures offer a very large real-world dataset apparently showing a notable increase in all-cause mortality directly following Covid vaccination.

They are yet another piece of evidence in an increasingly worrying picture – alongside case and anecdotal reports, a known link to heart inflammation in young men, the updated Pfizer clinical trial data revealing a numerical imbalance in deaths in vaccinated people, and most importantly the general rise in all-cause mortality in many countries.

And all of these red flags come for vaccines that – if the Swedish data are correct – may actually raise the risk of Covid infection after about eight months.

Yes, RAISE. See how that black line drops below the zero level on the top chart? That represents negative effectiveness, which is another way to say people who are vaccinated are MORE likely to be infected than those who aren’t.

And, as the second chart shows, effectiveness against severe Covid infection is also spiraling towards zero.

Yet the Biden Administration and governments across Europe continue to try to force more people to take these vaccines.


The answer to Alex Berensons last question can be what was explained, for example, at the Geneva Freedom Rally. The elites want to alter the human genome as a means of control – want to change the human race. It is about their ideas of controlling humanity. Karen Kingston exposed patents showing the Covid mRNA injections change the human genome in the documentary Final Days.

Substacker Forbidden News comented June 2024 on the CIA testimony, “CIA Agent: ”We Designed mRNA to Kill”, that the Covid-19 mRNA injections were developed more than 10 years ago with Bill Gates, the CIA, the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum: “3 years ago, Klaus Schwab openly bragged the World Economic Forum and their globalist stakeholders were on track to have total control over the human race by 2030.”

“As horrible as war is, the Globalists are certainly looking beyond overt warfare to accomplish their ends, which many believe center on, or at least include, bioweapons in order to accomplish wholesale human population reduction. In fact, the U.S. military and the CIA have been covertly creating and utilizing bioweapons for decades, as documented on Tucker Carlson Uncensored in a recent episode entitled “Was Lyme Disease Created as a Bioweapon?” Richard C. Cook, American Geopolitical Institute, Report 11

Redacted questioned the fact that Bill Gates in 2023 already explained the next virus threat to be the birdflu. So, how long have the mRNA injections for the birdflu been planned? There are reports of Pharma companies now making mRNA injections against the birdflu – are we going to encounter the same lies and cover ups on these injections as for Covid 19? How long will it take this time before the real truth is uncovered?

Covid 19 in 2021: “At the time, “vaccine misinformation” was parlance for inconvenient truths. Five months after the Amazon censorship crusade, Twitter banned Alex Berenson at the Government’s behest for noting that the shots do not prevent infection or transmission. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) favorably cited his Twitter ban in a September 2021 letter to Amazon calling for increased censorship of books.” Richard C. Cook

Swine Flu Vaccine (1976) – Pulled after showing a 1 in 100,000 risk Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Rotavirus Vaccine (1999) – Pulled after showing a 1 in 10,000 risk bowel obstruction.

Covid Jab (Dec. 2020) – Still on the market with serious adverse event rate between 1 in 800/1,000.

The Swedish Patientassociation for Narcolepsy (the vaccine injured during the Swineflu with Pandemrix) do not dig deep enough into the facts. Currently their information on the Covid 19 injections is faulty and they do not seem aware of the globalist agenda and what has actually been going on during Covid. Not sure they are even interested in finding out. They should if they intend on protecting human- and patientrights during a health crisis. They filed a class action lawsuite on the lack of informed consent during the swineflu period. They do not give any guidance on informed consent in relation to virus serverity or lack of severity concerning different age groups and vaccines on their own homepage. No patient associations in Sweden give any guidance on informed consent and the Covid injections yet. The Swedish Doctors appeal made 2 PDF (in Swedish and in English) on informed consent and the Covid injections and hopefully these PDF will be published again on their new homepage.

Read: Sweden: More homework needs to be done on Pandemrix

The Swedish Doctors Appeal references:…/pii/S221475002100161X

7 https://61ad43a4a7d4b80007e280d4–i-do-not-consent.netlif……/vac-rotashield-historical.htm/





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