Early Birdflu Timeline + health information 4 U

What should we really make of the birdflu timing?

Historically, natural avian influenza (H5N1) poses no threat to mankind. Only if weaponized (research has been conducted in biolabs in Ukraine funded by the Pentagon). Now very few cases in the US from cow to human. No human to human transmission at this point.

As time goes by, the public must be armed with the truth to protect against fake narratives from the government and Big Pharma. Remember, if avian flu becomes a human epidemic or pandemic, there are many reasons to believe that it’s a weaponized virus, and that the ”solution” offered will be the same as that for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which is to force mass vaccination.

But don’t be fooled, especially because the COVID-19 mRNA injections were linked to many negative side effects and even deaths in seemingly healthy people.

As reports about bird flu keep popping up, the U.S. and other countries are already stocking up on the H5N1 vaccine ”just in case.”

It’s naive to believe that an mRNA-based injection against a weaponized bird flu will be safer than COVID-19 vaccines, but it won’t be surprising if that is the narrative that Big Pharma pushes in the future if bird flu spreads among the human population.

As a first basic prevention step, optimize your vitamin D intake. The ideal range is between 60 ng/ml and 80 ng/ml. Mercola advised that you should measure it to confirm because there is no way to know what your vitamin D level is without a blood test.

And if you do get sick, Mercola recommends buying a nebulizer to nebulize hydrogen peroxide at the first signs of symptoms.

Cited article by Dr. Joseph Mercola in Natural News April 2024

H5N1 Bird Flu Makes Historic Jump From Mammals to Humans Shortly After Bill Gates Unveiled New Vaccine. The infected texan farmer after being treated with anti-virals, reported no symptoms except for some “discomfort in both eyes”. Reported in The Peoples Voice May 4, 2024

Natural bird flu is harmless to humans, but Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci have, for many years, funded research to develop a bird flu pathogen capable of infecting humans. Some of that research has been undertaken in Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

Bill Gates-funded research by Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka, the bird flu virus was mixed with 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) virus, creating an airborne hybrid capable of completely evading the human immune system, effectively rendering humans defenseless against it. Reported in The Childrens Health Defense May 18, 2022

Get ready for food rationing—to be tied to your ”food passport”

Ice Age Farmer talks about the looming wave of globalist attacks on the world’s agricultural system (including PCR tests to concoct a ”bird flu epidemic”). Reported by Mark Crispin Miller March 26, 2022

Redacted on X May 17, 2024 reported 70 Colorado residents are under watch for #birdflu without any symptoms, yet Dr. Jeremy Farrar of the #WHO is now calling for control over all indoor spaces & farms. Is this a power grab at a suspicious time?

Listen to and watch the clip and what Redacted are calling out and they are being both seriously critical and funny at the same time. Redacted have the evidence showing Dr. Jeremy Farrar at the WHO is a fraudster.

Redacted webpage May 14, 2024: Seventy people in Colorado are being monitored for bird flu even though none of them are showing symptoms.

This is funny timing because in April World Health Organization doctor Jeremy Farrar said that bird flu may mutate to spread human to human and that the mortality rate is extremely high. He is the same doctor who fraudulently changed the conclusion of the Nature journal article that “concluded” that Covid was not from a lab.

He was never punished for this bit of academic fraud. Instead he was appointed to the chief scientist at the World Health Organization. Now, this untrustworthy doctor warns us that bird flu can mutate and be spread from person to person and that we must focus on “vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics.”

The WHO is also now warning that viruses can spread through airborn pathogens and guess what? They launched a tool to assess the air quality of all indoor spaces showing that person-to-person conversations are as dangerous as ever. How long until this is used to return to remote work and, conveniently, remote voting??

Jim Fergusson from the freedomtraininternational channel on X May 21, 2024:

Alert: The media will ramp this intensity up over the weeks ahead. Make no mistake the globalists are planning another Pandemic and Lockdown> Bill Gates aka the WHO which is funded by 86% by him is trying to take control of our respective countries health sovereignty. Join our global movement freedomtraininternational as we prepare our members for what lies ahead.

Jim Fergusson shared this image:

Is the birdflu hype the attempt to usher in the WHO Pandemic Treaty with fear mongering?

USA centered joke on the bird flu:

Thailand Medical News published a research article and articulated from it and explained the bird flu virus is now airborne. BREAKING! Study Finds That New H5N1 Strain: Subtype Clade With The Mutation PB2 T271A Has Capacity For Airborne Transmissions! “In a surprising turn of events, the United States reported its first case of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influensa in cattle in March.” May 21, 2024

Thailand Medical News has information on alternative medicine against Sars-Cov-2 (section Covid-19 Herbs). As of yet no explicit information on alternative remedies against H5N1. They have a section for reporting on H5N1. In time, and if the birdflu evolves, they will publish research related to H5N1 as for Sars-Cov-2, both alternative remedies and drugs from mainstream medicine. They have general information on supplements and alternative medicine.

Dr Jane Ruby debunks the whole birdflu narrative by claiming the virus has never been isolated. All things narrative – it is all just like Covid-19. Dr. Ruby (is a nurse) shows an excerpt with Dr. McCullough who thinks this birdflu H5N1 can be the Disease X that many have had opions on. Hard to say. Just to let you get another opion of things related to the birdflu you can listen to Dr. Jane Ruby here.

Theresa Tam’s Leaked Meeting Reveals H5N1 Launch, Dr Sam Bailey (click on Sam for the video)

In our book Virus Mania, we called Chapter 7: “H5N1: Avian Flu and Not a Glimmer of Proof” and exposed the foundational fraud behind the attempts to convince the public that there was a deadly new influenza “virus”. We suspected the narrative would be used again which is why we featured it on the cover of the 2021 edition. Sure enough, in 2023 the ‘bird flu’ was being used once more as the excuse to carry out the mass culling of poultry as I covered that year in “Taking Away Your Chickens”.

In recent weeks, the public “health” agencies and mainstream media have been featuring ‘H5N1’ in the headlines and “messaging” to the public that a pandemic could be about to start. As expected, some of the alleged experts have started flapping their wings about “pandemic preparedness” plans. There is also an additional angle in that they are claiming to find the influenza “virus” in milk which appears to be a new weapon in the war against raw milk and unpasteurised products.

By a stroke of luck, or more precisely through bureaucratic bungling, private researcher and biostatistician Christine Massey received a surprise invitation to an online H5N1 roundtable meeting headed by Theresa Tam, the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada. This enabled us to secure exclusive footage of how they are rolling out the surveillance program and the virological pseudoscience that underpins the entire fraud. You will need to watch the video to fully appreciate the absurd level of nonsense coming from some of the key enablers in this brewing swindle…


  1. Virus Mania, 3rd English Edition, 2021
  2. Taking Away Your Chickens”, Dr Sam Bailey, 11 Feb 2023
  3. Why I Switched to Raw Milk For Good“, Dr Sam Bailey, 6 May 2022 (with video here.)
  4. Christine Massey’s official invitation to the meeting.
  5. Don’t fall for the “avian influenza virus” hoax!”, Christine Massey, 8 Apr 2024
  6. Christine Massey’s Substack
  7. Gain of Function Gaslighting”, Dr Sam Bailey, 30 Jun 2021
  8. Roundtable on HPAI A(H5N1)”, Theresa Tam, et al., 9 May 2024
  9. The Great Taking, David Rogers Webb, 2023  

A Gates Foundation insider has revealed America’s food supply will be deliberately infected with bird flu to spark the next pandemic. The Peoples Voice reported in April 2024: The elite are using the tried and tested Problem Reaction Solution matrix. They intentionally cause a problem, use the media to provoke a terrified reaction from the public, and then they roll out the solution. You can hear the whole report in this link and also read more. It is like a Covid-19 2.0 scenario: USDA and Chinese CCP Laboratory Collaborated on $1 Million Project CREATING LETHAL BIRD FLU VIRUSES, Funded by Taxpayer Dollars.. PAYING ATTENTION NOW?

Dr Craino on X with a video with Donald Trump. “Trump says Left wing lunatics are trying to use bird flu to rig the 2024 election Tells everyone “we will not comply” and promises to cut off federal funding to any school, airline, or business that forces masks or vaccines on anyone.”

May 6, 2024 – Man in America podcast: Bird Flu Playbook: Forced Vaccines, Stolen Election & Food Shortages w/ Todd Callender Vaccinating cows, poultry. CDC says bird flu has pandemic potential. Todd Callender on the agenda behind – the playbook is biosecurity. Control and killing and genetically modify us and now animals, starvation strategy. When peole know and are informed and inform others it breaks their agenda. Birdflu can be an attempt to try the One Health agenda. Listen to the interview and what lawyer Todd Callender explains.

Association: Dr. Ana Mihalcea published a substack (paid paywall): The Technocratic Agenda Of Digitizing All Genetic Sequences On Earth For Profit And The AI Existential Threat – Part of the Technocratic Globalist Transhumanist Agenda is to digitize all life on earth. Sustainable Development Agenda 2030

May 23, 2024 – Bird flu is man-made, that’s why they already have a vaccine for it – It has been reported that bird flu has spread from mallard ducks to cattle, poultry and recently a dolphin. This is a gain-of-function, i.e. man-made, strain, Dr. Peter McCullough told Miriam Shaw, host of Moms on a Mission.  “It looks like it’s coming out of the US Poultry Research Centre in Athens, Georgia.”

After independent research discovered this particular bird flu variant was man-made, former CDC director Robert Redfield said that for bird flu to jump to humans and spread it has to be a virus developed from gain-of-function research.

They already have vaccines prepared should bird flu spread to humans.  How do they already have a vaccine?  It’s all based on genetic code and they know the genetic code, Dr. McCullough said. Exposé News

Outside of article – is it or will Karen Kingston soon have information on nanotechnologies for how it can spread to humans? Or other technological information?

American CDC May 23, 2024 on X: “CDC confirmed second U.S. H5 bird #flu human infection associated with exposure to infected dairy cows. Based on info so far, CDC believes risk to public continues to be low, but people with exposure to infected animals at higher risk.” CDC shared this linkCDC Recommendations

  • People should avoid close, long, or unprotected exposures to sick or dead animals, including wild birds, poultry, other domesticated birds, and other wild or domesticated animals (including cows).
  • People should also avoid unprotected exposures to animal poop, bedding (litter), unpasteurized (“raw”) milk, or materials that have been touched by, or close to, birds or other animals with suspected or confirmed A(H5N1) virus.

May 8, 2024 Sophia Dahl on X with video clips and links in her thread:

The WHO Has Announced that Bird Flu ”Vax” Will Be Ready In Case Of H5N1 Plandemic

WHO Director Tedros has announced that they will be working with manufacturers to supply the whole world with vax in case of the H5N1 virus becomes a plandemic.

Infowars reminded us that the WHO predicted a bird flu outbreak in February of 2023

Moderna has started Phase 1 of a double blind clinical study and has reported a ‘successful’ clinical trial where only 3 out of 31 participants experienced mild but reversible effects from it’s mRNA injection intended to combat a strain of the bird flu that has been commonly appearing since 2014. The first case of the novel avian flu virus in America was appropriately reported in Texas on April fools day with the only symptom being conjunctivitis.

With the Who Pandemic Treaty on the verge of full accession by over 100 countries, the WHO could be primed to declare martial law if treaty is ratified.

Dr.Joshua Mott,WHO About Bird Flu Outbreak

”We do know that the virus has been adapted to mammalian hosts in some capacity but is not showing any signs of spreading efficiently from human to human & for that reason at this point we have not seen a change in the virus”.

April 3, 2024 Dr Ariyana Love: Bird Flu Or H5N1 Vaccine Bioweapon?

Yesterday, CBS News reported that a case of the “bird flu” was identified in Texas. Federal agencies said the “virus had spread to dairy cattle across multiple states, including Texas”.

What is “bird flu” exactly? They say it’s a “virus” that spreads from animals to humans but never in the history of medicine has an animal disease crossed species to infect humans.

Bird flu is also known as the Avian Flu Virus, which is not actually a virus but the H5N1 bioweapon. I gave an interview with Stew Peters one year ago about how the NIH led by Anthony Fauci, enhanced the H1N1 pathogen through Gain-and-Loss-of-Function, from dead corpses in the 1918 “Spanish Flu” to produce the more lethal H5N1 bioweapon.

Method for Producing the Flu Virus

The method for producing the Avian Flu Virus which contains the H5N1 bioweapon, is patented and owned by Sanofi Pasteur, a French pharmaceutical company also headquartered in Israel, among other places. Read more here.

There you have it, straight from the patent. In particular, H5N1 is used to increase mortality.

Sanofi is the largest pharmaceutical company in the world that’s devoted entirely to vaccine inoculations. In 2020, Sanofi teamed up with GSK to provide the “S-protein” for Covid-19 vaccines.

Sanofi will contribute its S-protein COVID-19 antigen, which is based on recombinant DNA technology. This technology has produced an exact genetic match to proteins found on the surface of the virus, and the DNA sequence encoding this antigen has been combined into the DNA of the baculovirus expression platform, the basis of Sanofi’s licensed recombinant influenza product in the US.

A synthetic baculovirus bacteria that’s been genetically altered in a lab is Gain-of-Function. Read more about Sanofi’s “protein expression technologies” patent which is in other words a gene altering technology. Also review the “baculovirus vectors for cloning genes, and kits containing the baculovirus vectors” patent by Oxford.

Indeed, the Bird Flu “vaccine” patent for chickens contains the H5N1 bioweapon.

The Canadian Government incidentally has their own “Recombinant Avian Flu Vaccine” patent for chickens. The NIH National Cancer Institute’s definition of “recombinant” is this:

“In genetics, describes DNA, proteins, cells, or organisms that are made by combining genetic material from two different sources. Recombinant substances are made in the laboratory and are being studied in the treatment of cancer and for many other uses.”

WHO admits that patents were taken on the Avian Flu Virus. A paper by Nature from October 2023, reveals that CRISPR-Cas-9 is being used to alter the genome of chickens through inoculation, aka “vaccination”. The Canadian Government admits that it’s “highly pathogenic” and spreads between species. Natural pathogens can’t do this but bioweapons can.

The NIH admits that the H5N1 spreads by “airborne transmission”. Virology Journal further affirms that the H5N1 is aerosolised. And another scientific study demonstrates that the H5N1 bioweapon is aerosolised after inoculation of chickens.

Salon reported today that bird flu outbreaks are popping up across the United States. The article goes on to mention a “list of so-called zoonotic transmissions which includes Ebola, SARS-1, MERS, Lyme disease and most likely, SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19”.

Allow me to point out that Ebola is a patented bioweapon that’s used in COVID-19 vaccines. SARS-1 is a patented bioweapon owned by Chiron, a US based biotech company which is also used in COVID-19 vaccines. MERS is a patented bioweapon also owned by a US biotech company. Lyme Disease is from weaponized ticks, according to the U.S. Government’s own admittance.

So, do you see a trend here? Do you see what they are doing? Chickens are being injected with bioweapons under the guise of “vaccination” to produce illness that spreads to other livestock and in some cases, humans. Although the “CDC considers the current risk to the general public from the H5N1 bird flu outbreak in wild birds and poultry to be low”, mainstream media is still pushing the false narrative that a “global bird flu pandemic in birds and other animals has been causing chaos for over three years now”.

No, it’s just pharma and government poisoning our food supply to justify the culling of millions of chickens in the largest chicken egg manufacturers in America. Perhaps they want to starve us out just like their starving the Palestinians in besieged Gaza right now.

May 22, 2024 – Dr David Cartland: They are desperate to kill the cows!! First suspected case of cow-to-human bird flu transfer means NZ must be prepared – epidemiologist – NZ Herald NZ Herald official narrative says it could be a new Covid pandemic coming along, but currenly not even cows need to be afraid… “If I was a chicken, maybe I’d be feeling a little less safe.”

May 23, 2024 – Dr. Peter McCullough recommends: Animal handlers and farm workers should be using dilute iodine, drops, nasal sprays and gargles. Iodine very effective at killing virus. Federal testing agents don’t need hazmat

May 16, 2024 – Dr. Stella Immanuel recommends the same preventive measures as against the Sars-Cov-2 virus to prohibit the virus from replicating in the body. Vitamin D, Vitamin C, zink and quercetin. (From me: querceting should not be taken in a too prolonged time at once since it can endanger the thyriod). Dr Stella Immanuel wants to warn people and to not fall prey to fear and propaganda. Dr, Stella Immanuel also speaks of hydrochloroquine and ivermectin.

Both Dr.Peter McCullough and Dr. Stella Immanuel sell Covid kits.

From The Rebel Patient on Substack information on alternative remedies (not medical advice, if you need medical advice seek a physician). All remedies work differently on different people, just as prescribed drugs also work either good or not good enough on different people.

Avian Bird Flu Remedies

For the Big Pharma discussion on Tamiflu, see my articles listed above and below this content page. And realize that there were two Vietnamese people, one a 13-year-old girl, who developed Tamiflu resistance and died, as published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The list includes (in alphabetical order): I am reviewing other remedies such as vitamin D, quercetin, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine. It seems that all the antivirals like ivermectin and HCQ, zinc, would be effective but I want to look them up. Come back for updates.

The List

Astragalus, cayenne pepper, echinacea, elderberry (brand of black elderberry Sambucol), forsythia, garlic, ginger, green tea, intermittent fasting, iodine spray 1%, olive leaf extract, oregano, star anise, steam, turmeric, and vitamin D.

I would expect ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to be effective, therefore their natural counterparts also, i.e., Nigella sativa and quercetin/green tea/ECGC, respectively.

May 19, 2023 Redacted (click for the video): Bill Gates, the self-proclaimed #pandemic oracle, has SHOCKINGLY declared the arrival of the NEXT Pandemic, and it’s a deadly #birdflu,

DIRECTLY aiming at our children.

Children’s hospitals around the globe say they are preparing ”just in case” (with wallets open wide)

  • I strongly advise you to listen to the Redacted video above – they pull a lot of dots together and are asking the difficult questions. A lot of good information in this clip even if its from 2023.

Right now doctors are warning against this being turned into fear mode. If this bird flu is turned into a pandemic and the WHO declares a pandemic it can be wise to be reminded of Covid 19. The author David A. Hughes has just made his book Covid-19, Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy: Volume 1 open access. You can access and download Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy: Volume 1 from the link.

Jim Fergusson from the freedomtraininternational channel on X May 24, 2024:

Breaking Alert: There is going to be another pandemic and lockdown. Make no mistake about it. The H5N1 vaccines are already being flown in and globalist collaborators within our media are preparing to push the globalist narrative. Its essential that you join our International freedom movement http://freedomtraininternational.org and get on board with thousands of like minded people around the world where we are making final preparations to brief and start to reveal to our members what is going to happen next and how to survive it.

“Federal health officials are ramping up efforts to combat what they claim is the growing threat of H5N1 bird flu with plans to produce 4.8 million vaccine doses and increase influenza surveillance nationwide. The move comes as two new human bird flu infection cases were identified — in Michigan and Australia — heightening concerns about the virus’s potential to spread among humans”

The article from Childrens Health Defense: HHS to Produce 4.8M Bird Flu Vaccines as 2 New Human Cases Identified

‘Relatively easy’ to ‘run a fear campaign’ to sell a vaccine

While expanding wastewater testing can be a tool for monitoring the spread of H5N1 bird flu, Dr. David Bell, a public health expert, warned against overinterpreting the results.

Bell told The Defender the presence of a pathogen’s genome in wastewater, including bird flu, does not necessarily indicate the presence of sick or infected humans.

“Birds poo rather widely,” he said, suggesting that finding the bird flu virus in wastewater is almost inevitable, regardless of the time period. “We would have found it if we had done this 20 years ago, 50 years ago or 100 years ago.”

Bell also expressed concern about the pressure to use new and more sensitive tests, incentivizing sales and use and yielding results that are “divorced from actual risk or the production of useful data.”

“It seems almost inevitable that we will find bird flu virus if we look for it in this way,” he said.

As an example of misplaced risk assessments, Bell said most deaths during the 1917-18 pandemic were not due to the virus but occurred because modern antibiotics for treating secondary bacterial infections were unavailable.

“It is relatively easy to demonstrate theoretical risk and run a fear campaign that may change behavior and sell a product such as a vaccine,” Bell said. “It is much harder to run a proportionate, evidence-based and sustainable public health policy.”

May 24, 2024 – BREAKING: Penn researchers have now developed an experimental mRNA bird flu injection claiming it is ”highly effective”. Independent journalist Peter Sweden on X.

Who is going to fall for that kind of narrative again? Be reminded – the Covid-19 mRNA injection protection rate is 0.84 %. Read the Dr. Aseem Malhotra testimony at the Case Covid Pass in Finland. ”But actually the original trials conducted by Pfizer revealed that in the trial, the protection from infection wasn’t 95%, was actually 0.84%.

More information on the birdflu mRNA injection from the Countersignal: the researchers claimed all their test animals survived and that the unvaccinated animals ”died following the H5N1 challenge”. The question is if this information is correct. During Covid-19 there have been numerous whistleblowing episodes and revelations and political hearings on things that were not right about the mRNA research and clinical trials on the Covid-19 mRNA ”vaccines”. The Covid injections have a transhumanist goal (more on this will be published on patientmakt). Birdflu has a political purpose and people need to be aware:

The birds and the decrees

Scaremongering over a potential bird flu pandemic “100 times worse than COVID” has started ramping up months before the American presidential election, just like COVID before the last one.

Last year, The World Health Organization (WHO) said the world must prepare for a new pandemic – this time, the H5N1 bird flu. 

WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said the WHO is working with national authorities and partners “to monitor the situation closely and to study cases of H5N1 cases in humans — when they open.” (The Countersignal May 24, 2024)

May 25, 2024: BREAKING: Moderna and Pfizer are in talks with the government to make a bird flu vaccine. Independent journalist Peter Sweden on X.

  • With all the excess deaths, disabilities, side effects and other concerns about this injection technology governments are not listening and do not seem to understand (or want to understand or are controlled) the health impairments of this mRNA injection technology – honestly I would not trust any governemnt that once again tries to push this on their population. Read about the data on Humanity Project from PhinanceTechnologies. There are different groupings (excess death, disabilities, injuries, cause of death, fertility, cause of disability) and data from different countries on the problems with the mRNA Covid injections.

Recommend free ebook by Doctors 4 Covid Ethics: mRNA vaccine toxicity

May 26, 2024 – CAN’T MAKE IT UP – The experts are now saying that NO SYMPTOMS can be a symptom of having bird flu. This is the same thing they said about covid. Do you believe this? Independent journalist Peter Sweden, X

Question: How long will it take until it is declared there is no natural immunity from or against the birdflu? Will the concept post-infection be used instead? Learn the propaganda techniques.

May 28, 2024 – BREAKING: The Dutch government has confirmed plans to give bird flu vaccine to egg laying hens. Will you be eating the vaccinated eggs? Journalst Peter Sweden

The Sequel to The Fall of The Cabal: Part 9: Genetic Modification, Janet Ossebaard, Cyntha Koeter Gates and genetically modified chickens. Gates project to give chickens to people in poor countries. GMO chickens. Vaccinated chickens. Organic chickens in the countries Gates wanted to donate to died due to bird flu – this forced the GMO chickens on these countries.

The components of scientifically engineered “bird flu” will be spread via injections and disinformation, once again. If you don’t want to be injected with “bird flu,” then they will inject our animal food stock with it. Charles Wright

Unjected: PREDICTION: Yes, New Bird Flu Vaccine Will Also Be Deadly | The Unjected Show

In a short message made in the EU Parliament (part of a longer speech) the need for a moratorium on mRNA vaccines has been declared:

  • The speaker explains mRNA can get into human breastmilk and children are being fed undefined doses of mRNA.
  • mRNA vaccines have also been developed for veterinary use and have been used for some time. mRNA get into the meat of animals people eat, get into the milk people drink and most probably also into eggs people eat.
  • Humans are currently unknowingly subjected to undefined and undeclared doses of mRNA in their daily consumption.

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